The cure that we offer to you in this article is great for many issues such as swelling in the joints or issues provoked by inflammations. The magic fruit for these problems is the pineapple.

You need to drink water with pineapple in the morning before you eat and that will give you a lot of useful nutrients, for example bromelain and vitamin C.
The most beneficial features of pineapple water are:

It is helping in the battle against inflammations
The bromelain, which is one of the components of the pineapple, is a very powerful and rare compound which is fighting inflammations and it is detoxifying the body organs. If you drink this potion every day in the morning, it will help you in your fight with arthritis and other inflammations.

It is helping you lose weight
This fruit is a strong diuretic which prevents the retention of the water in the organism and it is boosting the metabolism and on that way it is helping you lose weight.

It is helping you in the fight against parasites in the intestines
If you have problems with parasites, you should drink water with pineapple and the intestinal parasites will disappear in a couple of days.

It is boosting the health of the thyroid gland
The pineapple is full of iodine and bromelain and these two components are the ones that are improving the health of the thyroid gland.

It helping you balance the levels of the electrolyte
The antioxidants and the potassium, which the pineapple contains, will help you balance the level of electrolytes and it will allow a good function of the body.

It is improving the digestion
The incredible bromelain is improving the digestion of the proteins and the nutrient absorption and it is effective in the process of improving the health of the whole body.

It is strengthening the teeth and the gums
This fruit has a lot of calcium. This mineral is really crucial for the gums and the teeth.

It is improving the eyesight
The beta-carotene is also a component of the pineapple. The beta-carotene improves the eyesight and it treats macular degeneration.

It is preventing cancer
A study has shown that bromelain can prevent cancer and that it is actually more beneficial than five-fluoracil, which is a drug used in chemotherapy.

Preparation of pineapple water:


– Pineapple (one)

– Water (one liter)

– Mint leaves (five)

Put the water in a pot. Add the pineapple that has been chopped before. Put the mint leaves and close the pot or the jar. The mixture should be in the refrigerator for about ten days.

You should drink the mixture every day before you eat and it will help you to improve the overall health