Reducing those annoying love handles isn’t as hard as it seems. With a regular abs exercising specially developed for the top and lower abs, you will get strengthened, toned obliques in no time.

Burn fat off and lose love handles in a few weeks with this special exercises. Follow these exercises rigorously, incorporate good food habits and reveal all of the extra muscle underneath.

1. Bicycle Crunch
If you are doing this exercise continually in 3-4 weeks, your waistline will be reduced.

How to do it: Lie on your back and put your hands behind your ears. Crunch to the left and bring your right elbow in to meet your left knee. Crunch to the right and bring your left elbow in to meet your right knee. Quickly go back and forth between sides as you are pedalling a bike. Perform 3 sets of 30 reps.

2. Side plank crunches
This is a bit harder, but excellent work out to get rid of the love handles.

How to do it: Lie on your side and lift the upper body on the left elbow and legs resting one over the other. Raise your head, hips and legs in a straight line (the plank position). Put the right hand over the head with elbow folded. Start lifting your right leg and bend the right elbow to touch them both. Hold for 2 seconds and get back to plank position. Perform this on both sides for 20 times in sets of 10.

3. Side donkey kicks
Side donkey kick is an excellent exercise for strengthening the lower body. It tones the muscles and strengthens the limbs.

Hot to do it: Let down on all fours with the face looking at front. Lift your right knee and kick to the sides, such that the left thigh is parallel to the floor on the side. Bring back to position and repeat 10 times before changing legs. Perform 3 sets of 10 kicks each day.

4. Side Kicks
Side Kicks is excellent cardio exercise that reduces the love handles.

How to do it: Stand with legs wide apart. Maintain your upper body straight upper body, and lift the right leg on the side as high as possible. Bring back to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 25-30 times on each side.

5. Side Squats
Side Squats work out the thighs and waistline and completely tone the lower body.

How to do it: Stand with legs parted wide and hands in front. Put all the weight on the left leg and bend it at the knee, while keeping your upper body straight. The target should be to sit on the left foot with knees folded and right leg stretched out. Get up to starting position and go down on the right side. Perform 20 squats on each leg.

6. Knee Drop
If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can perform this exercise at home with a simple ball made with a towel. Knee drop is a great exercise to tone the abdominal muscles.

How to do it: Lie down on a mat with knees folded. Hold the towel-ball in between the knees and stretch the arms parallel to the shoulder. Bend the knees sideways to touch the floor keeping the ball intact in between. Repeat on the other side. Perform 25-30 times for both the sides.
