Diabetes is pretty common among adults these days. At least 6 out of every 10 individuals are diabetic. And the reasons are many. Lazy lifestyle, junk food, and a host of other stuff would ensure that you are afflicted with diabetes. And in some cases, it gets genetic and passes onto the next generation.

In most cases, one can see the symptoms of diabetes. They usually include fainting, a loss of appetite and puking. Any sign that tells you that your blood sugar level in hemoglobin has risen is a symptom of diabetes.

The blood sugar levels can be maintained by having a proper, balanced diet which doesn’t include a lot of sugar. Also, you shouldn’t just be a couch potato. Get out, run, walk, lift weights, live!

But, there are some symptoms that might elude you or remain unnoticed. Here are 6 of them:-

Frequently Urinating
When one urinates frequently, one can be certain that one is suffering from diabetes. It is because the kidneys are unable to contain the excess sugar in the blood and keep trying to expel it from the body. This leads to frequent peeing and it might weaken the kidneys.

Increased Water Intake
If one constantly keeps drinking water, that may be a sign of diabetes. It is because frequent urination diminishes the water level which has to be sustained.

Someone who suffers from diabetes is always hungry. It is because their body breaks down the food they eat as glucose to maintain the blood sugar levels. And this leads to a constant pit in the stomach that never seems to fill, no matter how much you eat. Thus, you are always hungry.

Blurred Vision
This is new and surprising, but true. For, when the sugar in your blood becomes excessive, it results in some tissue damage in the retina, which leads to blurry vision. Now, if proper care is not taken, and treatment is not immediate, it might result in partial or complete blindness.

Wounds Take Time To Heal
With an increase in sugar in the blood, veins and tissues get damaged. This leads to wounds healing very slowly and can also lead to infection. The area around the wound might also turn yellow. It is because the blood circulation gets ruptured, thus slowing down the healing process considerably.

Yeast Infection
The infection results due to the presence of sugar in the blood level. This alleviates the body temperature of the body and in places which are generally moist. Places such as armpits, genitals, and the mouth. The place becomes itchy, and if not taken care of, would result in rashes.

It is of paramount importance that you take care of yourself, because the other option usually turns out to be death. And unless you want to put your family in crisis over something that could have been easily resolved, you might as well visit a doctor and get yourself fixed.
