Today’s article focuses on 5 simple natural drinks that will remove all the fat and toxins from your liver and help you lose weight as well. Proper liver cleansing is of vital importance for your health. The liver is essentially a small factory which processes toxins and chemicals and marks them for elimination, so keeping it working properly at all times plays a vital role in our wellbeing. Not acting on time can leave toxins to accumulate in the liver, resulting in a host of health problems including obesity and fatty liver disease.

This, however, can be prevented with the help of the 5 nighttime drinks we have for you today. The detox drinks offer other health benefits as well and they’re easy to prepare, which is why you should start consuming them today.

How to clean your liver naturally
Traditional Chinese Medicine says that the liver is most active between 1 and 3 AM, which is usually the time we’re in deep sleep. However, if we had a heavy meal before going to bed, the liver is going to be stuck processing all the fat and other nutrients from it, so it won’t have time to repair itself. However, if you provide it with the essential nutrients it needs, the liver will heal itself overnight and eliminate all the toxins that have entered your body.

Here are 5 nighttime drinks that can help clean your liver and improve your overall health:
1. Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is a nice warm beverage full of antioxidants that can help you fall asleep easier and relax your mind and body. The tea has anti-inflammatory properties as well, and best of all, it can improve the function of your liver.

Here’s how to prepare the tea:


*1 tablespoon dry chamomile flowers

*8 oz. of water


It’s simple – bring the water to a boil before adding the flowers and simmering the tea for 10 minutes. Leave it to cool down afterwards, take the flowers out and have a cup of the tea before going to bed.

2. Warm lemon water
Warm lemon water is a powerful detoxifying drink that will improve your health on so many levels. It has diuretic and detoxifying properties and will definitely help your liver “repair” itself. Here’s how to prepare it:


*1 lemon

*6 oz. of water


Pour a glass of warm water and squeeze the lemon in, then drink the beverage before sleeping every day for 3 weeks. You should feel much better after only a week of the treatment.

3. Lemon and ginger tea
When combined, lemon and ginger offer numerous health benefits and are the perfect weight loss remedy as well. They will strengthen your immune system and boost your overall health, while also optimizing your metabolism. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has thermogenic effects on the body, while lemon can boost the elimination process and help the body burn more calories. Here’s how to prepare this miraculous tea:


*½ a lemon

*A few slices of ginger

*8 oz. of water


Pour the water in a pot and boil it, then squeeze the lemon in and add the ginger. Strain the tea after 10 minutes and drink it before going to bed 3 times per week.

4. Peppermint tea
Peppermint tea is great for your metabolism and digestion – it contains certain essential oils that can remove toxins from the colon and help it work better. Here’s how to prepare it:


*2 tablespoons dry mint leaves

*8 oz. of water


The preparation is the same like with any tea – boil the water, add the mint leaves, steep the tea and strain it in the end. Drink the tea 3 times per week for best results.

5. Oatmeal
Oats are the perfect breakfast meal. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients that will boost your metabolism and digestion and promote weight loss as well. Here’s a tasty oats recipe t hat you’re going to love:


*A cup of whole oats

*6 cups of water

*1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder


Boil the oats in water until they’re soft, then strain them and wash them under cold water. Add some water into them as well as the cinnamon powder and enjoy this healthy meal!