Hips dips are the inward depression along the side of your body, just below the hip bone. Some people call may them violin hips. Instead of the outer edges of your hips following curves that look like they were drawn using a protractor, they have indentations. These indentations may be slight and barely noticeable, or they could be rather prominent. They are a normal part of your body structure.

Exercises that minimize hip dips

If you want to minimize the appearance of hips dips, you can do certain exercises.
They can help you build muscle and lose fat.
Look at yourself in a mirror to ensure you’re doing the poses correctly. For the exercises that do one side at a time, start with your weaker or less flexible leg.
That way, you start with the side that’s a bit more difficult and the second side will seem easier.
Start with 1 to 2 sets per day and gradually increase. You may want to do different exercises on different days.
Try to spend at least 20 minutes per day doing these exercises, and aim to do them 4 to 6 times per week.
These exercises work to tone and strengthen the muscles in your:
Side hip openers (fire hydrants)
These movements target your outer thighs, hips, and side buttocks.
Make sure to keep your weight evenly distributed between your hands and knees.
You can use a dumbbell behind your knee for this exercise for increased difficulty.
Come onto all fours as you would for the Cat-Cow pose.
Make sure to keep your hands directly underneath your shoulders, and your knees directly underneath your hips.
Inhale as you lift one leg up so that it makes a 90-degree angle from your other leg. Keep your knee bent.
Slowly lower your leg back down. Keep your knee from touching the floor before you lift it again.
Do this movement 15 times. On the last repetition, pulse your leg 10 times in the upper position before lowering.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Standing kickback lunges
This exercise is great for providing balance and stability in the body. It works your thighs and buttocks.
Make sure you keep your front leg and foot engaged. Engage your core throughout the pose as well.
Come into a standing position with your hands in front of your chest in Prayer Pose.
Inhale and lift your right knee up to your chest.
Exhale and lift your arms up alongside your ears with your palms facing each other while stepping your right leg back.
Sink your right knee down into a lunge. Stay on the ball of your back foot and keep your toes facing forward.
Inhale to lift your right knee back up to your chest. At the same time, return your hands to prayer position.
Do 12 lunges. On the last repetition, keep your leg back and pulse up and down 12 times.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Standing side leg lifts
Standing leg lifts help build up the muscle along the sides of your hips and butt.
You may also feel a stretch in your inner thigh.
Make sure the movement is steady and controlled.
Don’t jerk or rush the movement, and try to keep your body straight. Do not lean to either side.
You can do this exercise using ankle weights for added difficulty.
Stand facing forward with your left side near a table, chair, or wall.
Using your left hand for balance and support, root into your left foot and lift your right foot slightly off the floor.
Inhale and slowly lift your right leg to the side.
Slowly lower on an exhale and cross the opposite leg.
Do 12 leg lifts on both sides.
Squats are a great way to tone your thighs, hips, and butt.
Make sure to keep your back straight and your toes facing forward.
Engage your abdominal muscles for extra support.
You can hold a dumbbell while doing these squats.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips.
Exhale as you slowly lower down as though you’re sitting into a chair.
Inhale and stand back up.
Repeat this 12 times.
On the last repetition, hold the lower pose and pulse up and down 12 times.
Glute bridges
This exercise will work your buttocks and thighs. Engage your abdominals.
This will help you support your body and work out your stomach muscles.
Lie down on your back with arms alongside your body with your knees bent.
Make your feet slightly wider than your hips.
Inhale and slowly lift up your hips and butt.
Exhale as you lower back down.
Repeat 15 times. On the last repetition, hold the upper pose for at least 10 seconds.
Then carefully bring your knees together and back apart 10 times.