After Reading This You Will Always Freeze Your Lemons
Numerous nutritionists and restaurant professionals consume or use the whole lemon and nothing is wasted. In order to use the whole fruit, you should wash well the lemon skin and put it in the freezer and wrapped in film to preserve its aroma. When it is frozen, use grater and grate the lemon. You can sprinkle it in sushi, rice, pasta sauce, salads, stews, pure soups, water, wines, lemonades and granizadas.
It will provide amazing taste which will be something that you haven’t tasted before. The skin of the lemon contains five to ten more vitamins than the juice. If we continue to freeze the lemon and grate and sprinkle it on the food we will consume more beneficial foods for the health. It is ten thousand times more powerful than the chemo. It has pleasant taste and does not cause the terrible chemotherapy effects.
Except grating the skin, we can also consume the pulp and the juice and add it to cakes, ice creams, etc. One of the most interesting virtues is the effects it provides on tumors and cysts. It has been tested against all types of cancers. It’s also considered antimicrobial spectrum against fungal and bacterial infections, against worms and internal parasites, it is a potent antidepressant, regulates the blood pressure and fights nervousness.
This fruit is great alkalinizer that regulates the blood’s pH levels. It also kills the malignant cells of twelve cancer types like pancreas, lung, prostate and colon cancer. The lemons compounds have proven to be ten thousand times better than the adriamycin, drug used in chemo to decrease the cancer cell growth. The lemon therapy destroys only the malignant cancer cells, not the healthy ones.
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